
Totes Eco brella
Cincinnati-based Totes-Isotonerhas launched a new line of more environmentally responsible products including a stylish portable umbrella made from 70% recycled materials.

The auto open/close Eco 'brella has a canopy made of 100% recycled PET (rPET) from plastic bottles.  The frame of the umbrella is made from 70% recycled aluminum, steel and ABS plastic. Eco 'brella's handle is made from bamboo with a waxed hemp strap.

Michael Katz, Totes-Isotoner Senior Vice President, U.S. Wholesale Division said, “We found a great way to create fashionable products that incorporate recycled and renewable materials and are keeping with our principles of comfort, quality and performance.”

Sustainable is Good Products tested the new Eco 'brella and found it to be a solid overall product.  The umbrella has a lifetime warranty from Totes and fits easily into a briefcase or purse for carrying it on the go. 

Eco 'brella is a solid light to medium duty umbrella – like most portable umbrellas its not the ideal solution for heavy wind and rain.  We tried our test until out in urban conditions in moderate wind and rain and the umbrella performed well.  Compared to most portable/travel size umbrellas Eco 'brella is well built.

Eco 'brella is available in four colors, leaf green (shown), khaki, hydrangea and soft black.  The canopy proudly displays the recycled logo so passers by know your carrying a greener umbrella.  Due to the fact the umbrella is made with large amounts of recycled materials its not surprising its made in China.

The umbrella is currently available online through several retailers including and in department stores across the country including Macy's and Sears.


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