

作者庫利克(Boris Culik)表示,相較於2001年,齒鯨由於捕魚混獲而死亡的風險大幅提高,2001年混獲影響50種齒鯨,亦即所有種類中的70.4%。




環境總署遷移性野生動物保育公約組織執行祕書姆雷瑪(Elizabeth Mrema)說道:「在國際生物多樣性年期間(2010年),遷移性物種公約組織會持續針對諸如混獲、船舶撞擊、海洋噪音衝擊與氣候變遷等主要威脅提出對策,以保護這些具有魅力的海洋哺乳動物。」

報告中包括唯一的大型齒鯨抹香鯨,以及兩種新種,澳洲短平鼻海豚(Australian snubfin dolphin)與圭亞那長吻海豚(Guiana dolphin)。







Fishing Industry Killing World's Toothed Whales, Dolphins
BONN, Germany, February 5, 2010 (ENS) -

The Baiji dolphin, which used to live in the Yangtze River, is probably extinct, and the Vaquita porpoise from the northern Gulf of California is facing the same fate, with only 150 individuals remaining in the wild.

Entanglement in fishing gear has claimed an unsustainably high number of both species, concludes a new United Nations report released today.

In fact, entanglement and death in gillnets, purse-seine nets, traps, weirs, longlines and trawls threatens 86 percent of all toothed whale species, finds the report, posted on the website of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, CMS, often called the Bonn Convention after its headquarters city.

This is a substantial increase in toothed whale species at risk of dying as fishing by-catch as compared to 2001, when by-catch was reported to affect 50 species or 70.4 percent of all toothed whales, says author Boris Culik.

Lack of food and forced changes in diet as a result of overfishing pose additional threats to 13 of the world's 72 toothed whale species, his report finds.

This peer-reviewed encyclopedia on all 72 species of toothed whales includes the most recent scientific findings on the distribution, migration, behavior and threats to this group of whales.

But for 41 of all toothed whales species, the assessment shows that human knowledge is too limited even to know if these species are threatened or not.

"During the International Year of Biodiversity, the Convention on Migratory Species continues to address major threats such as by-catch, ship strikes, ocean noise impacts and climate change to safeguard these charismatic marine mammals," said UNEP/CMS Executive Secretary Elizabeth Mrema.

The report includes the sperm whale as the only large toothed whale as well as the Australian snubfin dolphin and the Guiana dolphin as new species.

Many populations of toothed whales were at one point hunted almost to extinction and 50 species continue to be hunted, often at unsustainable levels, the report finds.

More recently, the ingestion of plastic debris or the effects of pollution by an ever-increasing cocktail of chemicals have been reported in 48 toothed whale species.
Pollution by persistent and bio-accumulating heavy metals, including mercury and butyltins used in anti-fouling paint for ships, as well as persistent chemicals such as PCB's, DDT and others, were found to affect 48 toothed whale species, as compared to 40 species in 2001.

Habitat degradation from dams and withdrawal of water from rivers and lakes threatens 18 species, the new report finds.

Ship strikes have a serious impact on 14 species, and noise caused by seismic explorations, marine construction projects and military sonar pose increasingly greater threats to these marine mammals.






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